Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I recently completed a couple of week-long, cross-state rides. I dream of doing these all year long. Ride all day. Explore small town America. Camp overnight. Repeat. Sigh. Folks outside of the cycling cult rarely understand how such activity can be enjoyable. I just smile in response to their incredulity. It’s one of those things that has to be experienced to be understood. On these rides, I invariably end up chatting with folks that are participating on their first “long” [multi-day] ride. Most of the time, these “newbies” have finally chosen to personally experience the adventures they’d only previously read or heard about. Frequently, they become hooked. There is a sense of accomplishment, a filling of emotional and mental bank accounts, and the realization that one’s body - although perhaps temporarily uncomfortable - will benefit. 

Today in my district, Literacy Coach Michelle Brezek held PD on blogging. As a result, seven new blogs were begun. In addition, the BigTime Blogging Challenge was started
(http://bigtimeliteracy.blogspot.com/). Many blogging newbies have followed blogs in the past, yet held back on starting their own. Personally, I procrastinated beginning this blog for a variety of reasons, the main one being a fear that what I had to say would be inconsequential to most. Maybe it is, but what I have discovered is that blogging allows me to reflect on what I do and why I do it. This reflection then leads to determination to change things, which results in actions to improve. 

Just as in cycling where one’s enjoyment, endurance and form improve as more miles are completed, the educator’s mindset and practice improve through the reflective benefits of blogging. So ride on. Write on. The rewards are abundant.