Wednesday, October 25, 2017

#D100bloggerPD Book Study on Hacking Engagement: 50 Tips and Tools to Engage Teachers and Learners Daily

Why is the name of my blog iShift? For me, thriving in the field of education and cycling have many parallels. To do well on the bike, I need to stay in condition and maintain focus. Flourishing in education has the same prerequisites.  What works in one setting may not work in another. Things change. You have to shift or you won’t make it up that hill, or get through that storm, or impact that student.

As an edu-lifer, currently on year 31 in my current district, with 3 years prior to that in another, I’ve been blessed to work with many amazing peers and students. Throughout my tenure, I’ve witnessed lots of changes; changes in families, changes in what is taught, changes in teaching approaches, changes in resources, etc.  I’ve had to shift often, but one thing that has remained constant is the fundamental need to engage students and forge relationships.

This is the focus of James Alan Sturtevant's book Hacking Engagement: 50 Tips and Tools to Engage Teachers and Learners Daily. As mentioned in previous #D100bloggerPD posts here, and here, this book offers a wealth of easily readable and applicable ideas for increasing student engagement by relating to students. IMHO the author says it best when he states,

I'm summarized Hacks #11-15 in this graphic. Note: this is just a snapshot (click on image to enlarge).

The author shares these great ideas in an easily readable (and reference-able) format. Are you passionate about connecting with your students and improving engagement? You really need to read this book! 

Up next is Tales of an iCoach by Mona Towner!